Saturday, November 26, 2011

Feature: Top 5 Most Annoying Aspects of Games

Video games are a lot like a bowl of candy.  Pretty much everyone likes candy, in some form or another.  When you get down to the specifics, some people might go for the chocolate, while others prefer the fruity gummies.  Like games, there's a lot a variety, and there's usually something for everyone.  Some might reach for a Reese's cup, while others would pick up bag of Skittles.  However, no one would go for the Good and Plenty.

No one.

Good and Plenty is an awful, awful candy.  It spoils the entire bowl, and it almost makes eating the other candy seem unpleasant.  The aspects that I'm about to list off are the "Good and Plenty" of video games.  Next to no one enjoys them, and it's a wonder that they still even exist today.  

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Review: 5 Reasons Why You Should Buy Rayman Origins

Rayman's newest entry into the platformer genre has recently been released for all three current-gen consoles, and you should totally pick it up.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Feature: 9 Semi-Obscure Games That You Should Definitely Try

     The end of this year has been pretty intense in terms of new game releases.  Uncharted 3, Battlefield 3, Resistance 3, Modern Warfare 3, Skyrim...So many high quality titles, so little time.  However, although each of these games have their own merits, and deserve the praise that they receive, there are other games out there in the world that should be getting some proper attention as well.  And by golly I'm going to give it to them!
     The games on this list are all perfect choices for any gamer who is looking for something new and interesting to play.  Most of these titles have a pretty impressive cult following, complete with active fans and glowing critical reviews.  However, there are still a large number of people in the world who have no idea that these games even exist.  So, allow me to bring a few of these games into light...

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Feature: Top 10 Non-Horror Games That Have Accidentally Terrified Me

I have no problem admitting that I'm a complete and total wuss.  In fact, you could scare me with a Beanie Baby if you approached me from behind.  Because of this, I also feel no shame when I say that sometimes video games make me yelp like a helpless child.  However, sometimes non-scary games surprise me the most.  When I play these games, my guard is dropped, and I'm soon slapped in the face with the cold hard reality that is my feeble courage.

Pyramid Head is nothing compared to this.
I like to believe that some of my experiences are shared by others.  However, sometimes I just have to admit that I'm a wimp when something seemingly innocent scares the crap out of me.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Feature: Top 10 Clichéd Top 10 Gaming Lists

     Top 10 lists about games are all over the Internet, and for good reason.  They can be incredibly popular, if the right topics are brought up.  The general format of them also encourages readers to browse quickly for entertainment instead of reading everything (like a true Internet dweller).  Usually when a gamer reads articles like these, they do so for 1 of 2 reasons.

1.  The gamer wants to see what kind of entertaining things the author has to say.
2.  The gamer wants to make sure a specific game he or she was thinking of makes the list, and comment on whether or not said game actually makes the list.

     This second reason is far more common among people who read articles like these.  As such, authors sometimes pick "high traffic" topics that everyone is familiar with, in order to attract an audience that will, at best, glance over their stuff.  There are certain topics that list articles are pretty much expected to cover now.  So, to save me some time (and to make things even more "skimmable" for you all), I've decided to make a list of the lists that are often listed in websites that feature lists.  After each list item, I will list the games/characters/whatever that I feel fit that list.  With so many lists, hopefully I can avoid confusing anyone.

Let's Begin!